No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for their little mistakes you will always be alone. So judge less and love more

3 min readSep 12, 2023


We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. But if we’re constantly judging others for their mistakes, we’re going to be alone. No one is perfect. If we want to have meaningful relationships, we need to learn to judge less and love more.

Photo by Beyzanur K.

Why judging others is harmful

Judging others is harmful for both ourselves and the people we’re judging. When we judge others, we’re putting ourselves on a pedestal. We’re saying that we’re better than them because we don’t make mistakes. But this is simply not true. Everyone makes mistakes.

Judging others can also damage our relationships. When we judge someone, we’re telling them that they’re not good enough. This can make them feel ashamed and isolated. It can also make it difficult for us to connect with them on a deeper level.

Photo by Bethany Ferr

Why we need to love more

Love is the opposite of judgment. When we love someone, we accept them for who they are, flaws and all. We don’t try to change them or make them perfect. We simply love them for who they are.

Loving others is important for our own well-being. When we love others, we feel connected to them. We feel supported and accepted. We also feel happier and healthier.

How to judge less and love more

Here are a few tips on how to judge less and love more:

  • Be mindful of your thoughts : When you find yourself judging someone, take a moment to pause. Ask yourself why you’re judging them. Is it because they made a mistake? Is it because they’re different from you? Once you understand why you’re judging them, you can start to challenge your thoughts.
  • Remember that everyone is human : We all make mistakes. We all have flaws. No one is perfect. When you remember that everyone is human, it’s easier to be accepting and understanding.
  • Focus on the positive : When you’re interacting with someone, focus on the things you like about them. What are their strengths? What are their positive qualities? When you focus on the positive, it’s easier to see the good in them, even if they make mistakes.
  • Be forgiving : Everyone makes mistakes. When someone makes a mistake, be willing to forgive them. Forgiveness is not about condoning their behavior. It’s about letting go of anger and resentment.
Photo by Bethany Ferr

Judge less, love more. It’s a simple concept, but it’s one that can make a big difference in our lives. When we judge less and love more, we’re more likely to have meaningful relationships and live happier lives.

Here are a few additional thoughts:

  • Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Everyone makes mistakes. When we’re vulnerable with others, we’re creating an environment where they feel comfortable being vulnerable too. This can lead to deeper and more meaningful relationships.
  • Be kind to yourself. We all judge ourselves from time to time. But it’s important to remember that we’re all human and we all make mistakes. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the same grace that you give to others.

Judge less, love more. It’s the best way to live.



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